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Serving You

The South Dakota School District Benefits Fund and Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Dakota have partnered to bring districts in-network access to every hospital and 99% of providers in South Dakota and an extensive access nationwide for every employee!

The plan is a partially self-insured trust consisting of specific stop loss insurance to insure both the individual member as well as the pool from excess loss. The 76 SDSDBF MEMBERS have received no or incremental increases in their premiums in the past few years.

Member Benefits

We offer our members added benefits, including:

  • Opportunity to provide direct input on the operation of your health plan and fund;
  • IRS Form 1094/1095 generation support;
  • Payments of ACA taxes and fees on your district’s behalf;
  • GASB 45 Services;
  • On-site flu shot and wellness screens in your district;
  • Unlimited Affordable Care Act support;
  • Free identity protection for health fund members;
  • Advocacy for or against legislation that could affect your health fund

SDSDBF Members

Members not shown: Cornbelt Educational Cooperative; Custer County; Edmunds County; James Valley Christian; North Central Special Education Cooperative; Northwest Area Schools Education Cooperative; South Central Cooperative; Three River Cooperative


Contact Director of the Protective Trust Holly Nagel at hnagel@asbsd.org or at 605-773-2515 OR Protective Trust Manager Heidi Jennings at heidi.jennings@asbsd.org or at 605-773-2510.

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